from Pastor Niyi Olujobi at RCCG House of Praise, Grays
Heaven invaded earth once again and left its mark at Shiloh 2013 and these are some of the evidences….
- Wheelchair bound woman can now walk again
- Deaf in the left ear but now can hear clearly with both ears
- 18 years chronic back pain brought to an end
- Glaucoma patient healed with good eye sight restored
- Stroke victim who has lost some bodily functions is touched by God
- high blood pressure patient healed
- 23 year old diabetes brought to an end in one night
- Multiple broken leg bones as a result of jumping out of a moving car during an armed robbery attempt & 16 surgeries failed to restore it but cured in one night with the leg physically growing back to normal
- Woman diagnosed 6 months ago with ovarian cyst healed
- Woman with Fibromyalgia cured
- Over 5 women with fibroids healed in 1 night
- Man with piles and diabetes healed
- woman with metabolism disorder healed
- woman with enlarged ovary cured
- over 5 Children and adults with Asthma healed
- woman with blocked fallopian tube cured
- sickle cell anaemia boys touched by God
- new kidney restored back to woman who had her kidney surgically removed
- arthritis healed
- gall stones condition healed
- migraine condition cured
- damaged nerve cells restored
- long term hypertension cured
- woman with damaged lumbar disc healed
- person with bad heart conditions healed
- new knee cartilage given by God
- supernatural instantaneous weight loss etc…
God is still in the business of healing and deliverance and your case is not too late neither is it impossible for him. This is the 5th day and it will be special today. So come with great expectations and invite both your family and friends as well and together, you shall all experience the power of Pentecost – 10am & 6:30pm.
We will surely celebrate together.
Rich Blessings,
Pastor Niyi Olujobi