The Bradwell Pilgrimage taking place on Saturday 1st July this year start St Thomas’ to St Peter’s Chapel.
The programme for the day:
10:30 Commissioning at St Thomas’ (park at the nearby Village hall CM0 7QJ)
followed by walk to St Peter’s Chapel (alternatively mini bus is available)
12:00 Opening Worship outside St Peter’s – Led by Rev Claire Blatchford, speaker Patrick Regan OBE from Kintsugi Hope
followed by Picnic
14:00 Workshops
– Healing service in the Chapel – Led by Rev Steven Poss
– Sung worship – Led by Rev Dan Pierce & band
– Craft – Led by Rev Claire Blatchford and Jenny Clayton
– Landscape, Climate, Community and Wildlife, a guided walk by the Othona Community
15:15 Closing Worship led by Archdeacon Mike Power, also speaking Rob Purnell from Love Essex/Transforming Essex
followed by a leisurely walk back
We would love to see you there on Saturday 1st July from 10:30am – 4pm. The Theme this year is “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).