When?CCCH Healing Centre logo

Usually the last Saturday of every month
Check  http://www.mycommunitychurch.org.uk/healing-centre/

What time?

10.00am – 12.00pm


Community Church Chadwell, Defoe Parade, Chadwell St Mary, RM16 4QR

Why Healing Prayer?

The Bible shows us clearly that Jesus healed people, and He gave His followers authority to do the same; we love Jesus, and love praying for people.~

We believe God is our loving Father and that His heart is for people to be well; living free from sickness and disease.  God doesn’t cause, or desire that people are unwell or sick.
We are not practising medicine, and although there may be Team Members from medical backgrounds, we are unable to dispense medical advice.  We want to work alongside the medical profession.