IMG0896Twelve teams and nearly a hundred people engaged in cerebral battle on behalf of the borough’s young people at the annual quiz last Saturday (8 October) night at St Clement’s, West Thurrock.

St Clement’s were hosting for the third year in a row, organised largely by verger Ray Barnard, who is also the team leader of the West Thurrock Bar’N’Bus team.

Each team member paid £10 for the privilege, a portion of which went towards a chicken’n’chips or fish’n’chips supper.

Bar’N’Bus Project Manager Stuart Christian was pleased to announce afterwards that 96 people had raised between them a total of £632.80 was raised for work in the borough, which in the last year has had to buy a new bus and have it renovated as a ‘mobile youth club’.

IMG0894The bus is fitted with a new seating arrangement, Playstation monitors, a kitchen and a prayer room, and goes to three locations around the borough on three nights of the week. These are:

  • Tuesdays – Grays Beach
  • Wednesdays – Cowdray Hall car park, West Thurrock
  • Thursdays – by Corringham Town Centre

The project is always looking for new team members – and especially bus drivers!

IMG0895The quiz’s quizmaster for the third year running was local quiz-maestro Simon Wilson (above right), ably helped by his ‘beautiful’ assistant Neil “Frosty’ Frost (left).

The quiz was won by a team called Engaged At Last for the second year in succession, narrowly beating the plucky Monkey Butlers by a mere 3 points.

Engaged At Last were called Engaged At Last on account of the fact that two of their members have got Engaged At Last – Danny ‘Juan’ Sedano and the future Mrs Sedano, Jo. Danny is Grays Team Ministry’s Youth & Community Worker, and is also on the UNITE 30/31 team, and has been part of the Rock Thurrock core team.IMG0900

Danny and Jo were chosen by Engaged At Last to go up at the end and receive from Stuart a large tin of chocolates and the Bar’N’Bus Quiz Trophy – a toy bus! (See picture on right.)

All you need to do is use the link below to view the details of the Bar’N’Bus project: (cut and paste this web address into your browser).

  1. To vote you will need to register.
  2. To register click on ‘vote for us’ where you will be directed to either ‘log in’ or to ‘register’.
  3. Click ‘register now’ and fill in your details.
  4. Once registered you will be sent an email in a matter of seconds for which you need to confirm your registration.
  5. Once you have confirmed all you need to do then is return to the Bar’N’Bus project page by clicking the link above again and this time log in rather than registering or by searching Bar’N’Bus on the projects page and clicking the marker on the map.

The whole process should not take you more than 5 minutes.
Please let others know!

On the scoreboard below, the numbers down the left hand side are the teams’ numbers, and the red squares show where each played their jokers, earning them double points.

BNB Quiz 2011 scores JPEG