Churches came together to battle against one another with their weapons of intellect and knowledge. There were 21 teams representing about 15 local fellowships – a few had two teams. Each team had up to 10 people in so that makes an over all attendance of about 200. Question master for the evening was Andrew Wade (making an announcement, below right) of Socketts Heath Baptist Church and a member of the Bible Society’s Thurrock Group. There were 12 rounds of 10 questions each, including 2 picture rounds. These included Prime Ministers; the year 2000; pop stars of 2014; food & drink; the Bible; and general knowledge. See if you can name all the flags in the flag round – no cheating, now! (Bottom, right.) At half time everyone enjoyed a fish or chicken and chips supper (bottom left). The top 5 places were as follows:
£400 was raised for the Bible Society’s work in Sudan.
Unity, Prayer and Mission