Tim Harrold
A small team of Transformation Thurrock’s Firestarters joined with a team from Destiny Chapel at Fun In The Park in Dilkes Park, South Ockendon, on Friday 31 July.
Pastor Frank Gaisie and the team ministered to many people there using the ‘spiritual reading’ picture cards that had been such a success at Village Beach and the Big Lunch.
The park was packed with people from all backgrounds and ages. There were many stalls and attractions, along with some entertainment from local singing and dance groups.
Many people – particularly young people – were attracted again by the word spiritual. One lady asked how much it cost, because of course psychics ask for a fee.
People were asked to pick out a picture from the set of photos laid out on the table. They then received an interpretation of that picture from team members. As before, people were lifted up by God’s affirming words for their lives, some hearing from Jesus for the very first time. Two ladies who had attended church in the past decided on the basis of their encounter to return to church, possibly visiting Destiny Chapel this coming Sunday!
As before, it was clearly explained to every participant that the team were Christians representing local churches, that they were asking the Holy Spirit what God had to say to them.
Some of the results were incredibly accurate and folk were affected emotionally on many levels. It’s estimated that some 30 or so people were ministered to during the four hours of the event.
Christian literature suitable for all ages and DVDs were also handed out free of charge.
Thurrock’s Mayoress, Cllr Sue Gray, came by as she had done at the Big Lunch and gave team members a big hug.
All Saints Parish Church, Belhus, South Ockendon, also had a stall there.
Photos show:
- Vera Harrold ministering while Frank prepares the stall (top right)
- Tim Harrold with Frank at the stall (middle left)
- Frank, Cllr Sue Grays, her consort, Tim and Rev. Austin, new assistant curate for South Ockendon Parish (bottom right)