Church of His Presence are hosting a seminar called “Discerning the Times”
Speahers include the Lead of Christian Concern (Rev Ade Omooba) and the Education Lead (Steve Begoo) of the same organisation who will be speaking on “The State of the Nation”. Rev Ade is a co-founder of several organisations/groups, namely; the Christian Victory Group – ICARE Projects which has help set up over 70 Social Action/Inclusion projects in the last 19 years; Christian Concern (CC), a UK Lobby/Campaign Group on Public Policy, and the Christian Legal Centre (CLC) addressing Christian Liberty Cases. He also serves as a Trustee of the Global Day of Prayer, London, a part of the Global Prayer Movement; also a member of the Apostolic Team of Connection Trust, a global network of churches.
We have themed the seminar: called “Discerning the Times”. This seminar will educate us on planned laws, plans, and thoughts of the government, the opposition government and relevant lobbying groups on issues that affect the Christian Community.
Dates are Saturday 6th August at 11am and Saturday 13th August at 11am.