Corirngham EvangelicalThe ETUtd Services have been taking place in the east of the borough for a number of years now.

At one time or another, most of the fellowships in Fobbing, Corringham, Stanford-le-Hope and Horndon on the Hill have hosted these united services, and as such, are unique in the borough.

In Psalm 133, there is a promise. It says that when we dwell together, God releases the life-abundant blessings of eternity. Not only upon, in and through those participating in the expression of union, but by extension, the community.

So such services have the potential to renew minds that transform the land, the city.

This unity is vertical before it is horizontal. It’s the two Great Commandments. Love God, love your neighbour. Loving your neighbour is loving God. You can’t have one without the other. They’re simultaneous. Bound. One. United in unified untion.

The dates and venues for the next 12 months are:

  • Sunday 16 November 2014 – 6.30pm – Corringham Evangelical Church

  • Sunday 15 February 2015 – 3.00pm – Stanford-le-Hope Salvation Army

  • Sunday 21 June 2015 – 6.30pm – St Margaret’s Church

  • Sunday 15 November 2015 – 6.30pm – Stanford-le-Hope Methodist Church

See also

With thanks to Dave Partridge of Corringham Evangelical Church for this information. The photo shows the church in Fobbing Road, formerly a Peculiar People’s Chapel.