Carol 4Carol North of Grays Baptist Church has one of the lesser known gifts – it’s a jumble sale anointing.

For the past few years, Carol (left in the picture) and her team have been faithfully holding sales at the church on Orsett Road in Grays. Its location in the town allows for many people to pass by and browse the stalls on the forecourt or in the building itself, where a cup of tea awaits for weary shopper or the curious junk junky.

The sales don’t just provide a valuable social hub for the local community. Every bit of money raised goes towards supporting a number of charities and concerns that Carol has close to her heart.

Over 2012, the sales raised a staggering £10593.97.

A few weeks ago, out of the blue, Carol learnt that she had won the Air Ambulance lottery – it came as a complete suprise to her because one of the chairites she supports is the Air Ambulance!

“We support the Air Ambulance because one of my husband’s friends collapsed and the Air Ambulance came to take him to hospital,” explained Carol. “Although he sadly died, the Air Ambuance crew were wonderful and so we thought we’d support them.”

Carol 1The Air Ambulance is not part of the NHS, but is dependant upon such fundraising schemes as their lottery, as it costs £250,000 per month to keep the helicopter going. But now, the Air Ambulance is supporting Carol!

“I was completely shocked when I heard I’d won the lottery – I didn’t know anything about it!” said Carol.

On Friday 10 May two representatives from the Air Ambulance came to Grays Baptist Church while one of Carol’s sales was on to present her with a cheque for £5330.96.

Carol immediately gave over £300 back to them!

The photos show, form top to bottom, Carol being presented the cheque; the team (featuring Colin Baker); displays showing all the different charties that the sales support.
Carol 5

Carol 6WELL DONE CAROL! Well done everyone in the team!