report by Tim Harrold

15 intrepid Firestarters gathered at Grays Baptist Church on Saturday 27 June for a morning of training in the art of delivering Spirit Readings.

Firestarter GBC 1After a time of worship led by Neil & Laura Frost, the team from North Kent Community Church brought stories and practical exercises to aid in the use of a pack of cards – each with a picture on it – which are used to bring prophetic words of encouragement to people.

Alan Cass and his team of Susan ‘the Brave’, Mark and his son Nathan, took us through a series of simple actions where those gathered got to know that their thoughts are more often from the Mind of Christ than are not. The words that first come into our minds about a person are usually from the Holy Spirit – but even if we make a mistake, that’s okay.

Each of the cards has a picture which can be interpreted to have a symbolic meaning. So when members of the public are asked to pick a card – all the cards are spread out on a table – it is because something about the image attracts them to it. From this we can begin to hear what God is saying about a person.

Alan suggested that every encounter begins with the sentences: “I am a Christian and the Holy Spirit lives within me. Would you like to know what he would like to say to you?”

This immediately lets the person know where we are coming from and that this is not a New Age or psychic activity. Having established and rooted the spiritual reading in Jesus, we hear from God what he wants to say to that person.

Firestarter GBC 21 Corinthians 14:1-3 says:

Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.

In these verses are the simple basis and motivation behind using the gift of prophecy. Treat people with love, honour, and value. The object is show them that God loves them and is interested in them (it’s not about judgement – John 3:17). We are the bridges to heaven. People are free to respond and accept or ignore and reject.

We went into Grays High Street where Jimi and Sam from the New Covenant Church had already got their gazebo, or ‘boothe’, in place. The town was busy and the although it was a bit hardgoing at first, things soon started to happen. The summer sunshine helped as well.

Many passers-by and stall holders took the opporutnity to have a spiritual reading, The NKCC team did most of the work, but the rest of us observed and some had a go. In every case, prayer was offered and in most cases accepted.

Fires were ignited in people’s hearts, and the flames kindled by the Treasure Hunting in April were blown upon.

Firestarter GBC 3We headed back to the church and shared our stories, praised God, and prayed for the NKCC team before they left. They encouraged us to prayer walk the High Street to further shift the atmosphere, and encouraged us to be regular in our practices of Treasure Hunting, Street Healing and Spiritual Readings – and to also offer FREE HUGS!

With thanks Alan, Susan, Mark and Nathan for their encouragement to us; to Colin Baker for hosting; to Edwin Hughes for technical assistance; and to Neil & Laura for providing the worship at each of the three Firetsarter training events.

This is the third and final Firestarter training in this round. Participants are encouraged to take what they have learned back to their churches and towns and to do these things there. We are looking at the possibibilty of a weekend refresher sometime in the autumn or next spring. But in order to move the mountains, we must mainatin the momentum! If we want to see the forest burn, we must keep striking matches! Here are a few up and coming opportunities to do just that…

What next?

Saturday 18 July – Village Beach

Join the Transformation Thurrock team at Village Beach arts festival at Grays Beach.
Contact Tim Harrold if you would like to join the team for any length of time you can manage.
See flyer below

Wednesday 29 July – Big Lunch

Join the Transformation Thurrock team at the Big Lunch community day in Grays Park.
Contact Tim Harrold if you would like to join the team.
See flyer below

Friday 31 July – Fun In The Park

Join the Destiny Chapel team at Fun In The Park at Dilkes Park in South Ockendon.
Contact Frank Gaisie on if you would like to join the team.
See flyer below

Treasure Hunting Team for Grays High Street

Join the Transformation Thurrock team at the New Covenant Church boothe in Grays High Street.
Contact Tim Harrold if you would like to join the team.
Dates and times to follow once the team is established

Village Beach 2015
Big Lunch 2015
fun in the park 2015