Cream Tea – Sunday 13th May – 50 people served
A very pleasant afternoon was spent in St Katherines Church in East Tilbury. Approximately 50 people came along to enjoy tea, coffee, scones and home made cakes. This went so well we are looking to make it an annual event.
Volunteer Evening – Tuesday 15th May – 30 people attended, buffet and talk
This event was held in St Johns church in Victoria Avenue in Grays, a lovely warm evening was spent socialising with some of the volunteers from the Foodbank. There was a delicious buffet provided by the members of the Foodbank Project Team and the Operations Manager, Sarah Cordell, gave a presentation about how Thurrock Foodbank had performed in the last year and how the future was looking, there was also a healthy discussion with several interesting questions raised.
Quiz Night – Saturday 19th May – 11 teams
Another warm evening, this time in Grays United Reform Church in Bradleigh Avenue. The competition was fierce resulting in two teams tied for first place
Warehouse Open Day – Wednesday 30 May – 22 visitors
Volunteers and supporters were invited to come and see how the foodbank works and have a tour around the warehouse. We were delighted to see so many people turn up for a look round. The warehouse volunteers worked very hard to give our visitors interesting and informative tours.
Thanksgiving Service – Sunday 3rd June – around 45 -50 people from at least 10 churches.
A coming together at the end of Foodbank month for volunteers and foodbank supporters to share worship and give thanks for the Foodbank, it was great to see at least ten churches from across the borough in Socketts Heath Baptist Church.
Over the Foodbank Month we raised over a £1000 to help towards our running costs.
foodbank, 06/06/2018