GL GW1The unit is spending this week at the Gateway Academy, which stands the corner of Marshfoot Lane and St Chad’s Road at the bottom of Chadwell Hill.

Overlooked by the ancient escarpment that once formed the banks of the Thames and where Romans and Saxons roamed, the Academy is Thurrock’s newest school build, the amalgamation of the former schools of Torrells (Cahdwell) and St Chad’s (Tilbury).

The first day had its hiccups with classes arriving late or not at all, but the second day went much better. The plenary sessions at the end of each lesson have been crucial times when the presenters have the opportunity to open discussion with the students about the content of the GSUS LIVE interactive presentation. Since the themes are Fear, Forgiveness and Rejection, a good question to ask is which of these three things did Jesus experience or express on the cross?

This can lead to a discussion about what Christians believe happened to Jesus after he died. There’s always some interesting and surprising answers!

GL GW2One boy perceptively suggested Jesus felt rejected because his father had left him. A girl said that Jesus will one day be ‘born again’. Quite a few of the church-going students come to the fore by volunteering their knowledge and so (unwittingly?) witness to there peers during this time. If someone uses the word ‘sin’, we ask, “What is sin?” If someone uses the word ‘resurrestion’, we if anyone can offer a definition.

The team are able to make the link between the resurrection and the name of the trailer – GSUS LIVE, and ask, “Why do we call it that?” Because Chrstians belive if Jesus came back to life, then he’s still alive, and able to help us when we’re fearful, or needing forgiveness or to forgive, or experiencing rejection in our own lives.

And once you get into it, it’s fun! 🙂

Swing wide the gates and let the King of Glory come in! (Psalm 24)

NEXT GSUS LIVE PRAYER TIME – at Andy Blakey’s house, 42 Stanford Road (off King Edward Drive), Woodside, Grays RM16 4XS, starting 7.30pm FRIDAY 5 OCTOBER

  • We will be praying for the week to come at Treetops and for the GSUS LIVE After Party (starring LZ7) on Friday 2 November.
  • This is a change of venue from previous advertisements.
  • The last two prayer gatherings have attracted only 4 people each – let’s try and make it to 40!