training 1The Training

The GSUS LIVE unit arrived at The Grays School Media Arts College on Friday evening – the eagle had landed!

The following day, nearly 30 volunteers for the technical crew and presentering team received training from GSUS LIVE representative Kevin Baldwin.

On Saturday morning, Counties Evangelist Kevin – former cookery student at Thurrock Tech and now living in King’s Lynn – instructed a small group of guys on how to set up and pack down the GSUS LIVE unit.

training 2This involved turning bolts, slotting heavy things in place, purring pins in holes, and pressing exciting buttons to make the ‘pod’ go in and out.

After midday, the presenters arrived and Kevin trained them inside the unit. He went through a whole lesson, and then showed everyone yet more buttons that need pressing throughout every session – there’s a lot to remember!

And various grown men of a certain age swooned over the computer monitors which automatically emerged from concealing desktops…

The First Day

traning 4Today (Monday 10 September) was the first day of GSUS LIVE Thurrock 2012 with four lessons throughout the day at Grays School. Under the leadership of Maria Levy of Chafford Hundred Community Church, six of the GSUS LIVE – Grays School team successfully remembered all the butons that needed pressing at the right times, and all the things that needed to be said.

Each of the classes were superbly behaved and absorbed in the interactive computerised presentation. The plenary sessions allowed for some meaningful conversations with the students.

And so, onto the second day – and another 28 after that over the next seven weeks!

Please pray for the GSUS LIVE project by downloading the prayer guide to the left of this article. News of further prayer meetings coming soon.

training 3GL unitPictures

Top right: getting imporatant things out of the unit’s lockers
Top left: putting together the pod’s supports
Bottom right: Kevin Baldwin training the presenters
Left: the monitors rise out of the desks
Right: the GSUS LIVE unit