stevemorleySteve Morley, Thurrock’s GSUS LIVE co-ordinator, gives an exclusive interview to Transformation

TT How do you feel GSUS LIVE has gone over the past 7 weeks?
SM Brilliant! The best of the three visits so far, probably because of the improved prayer backing this time.

TT What for you were the highpoints?
SM Seeing some 3,000 young people seriously studying the teachings of Jesus, not academically, but in relation to issues relevant to them.

TT What was the most memorable question you got from a pupil and how was it answered?
SM At Treetops a boy asked how we can know about Jesus giving me ample opportunity to commend the Bible (in a suitable format!) to him and also the simplicity of prayer.

TT Did anything funny happen on GSUS LIVE?
SM Again at Treetops, a boy commented that the unit was like “a big confession box”!

TT How did the team do?
SM I frequently felt redundant! A team of 18 presenters of both sexes, all ages and a variety of churches answered Jesus’ prayer that we might be one and, in so doing, successfully communicated His gospel to thousands…. not to mention the “riggers” who did all the practical work enabling it all to happen; and the people praying in the background who held it all up to God.

TT There were a number of young people on the team. What would you like to say about them?
SM Enthusiastic, humorous, serious when necessary, focussed on the task, willing to serve and better looking than the “wrinklies”!

TT Were there any particular moments when you could say God was helping you?
SM Every moment of every day. I frequently disappeared into the darkness of the entrance lobby during sessions just to recommit the whole venture to Him and remind myself that it was His project, not mine. When particular crises arose He enabled us to overcome each one, often by sending along the right person at just the right time with the required expertise.

TT What has been the reaction of the kids?
SM Great enthusiasm, many wishing they could do more. I can’t remember as single complaint.

TT What has been the reaction of the teachers and the schools?
SM Welcoming, especially where they insisted on feeding us! R.E. staff have been pleased to see their subject gain in status and all, whatever their subject, have been impressed with the professionalism and relevance of the production and the dedication of the team.

TT You took GSUS LIVE into Treetops for the first time. What was that like?
SM A great privilege. The team sought to be a blessing but came away greatly blessed with the privilege of serving the students from whom we received great warmth and affection. What a joy to meet so many teenagers without a trace of cynicism!

TT When is GSUS LIVE coming back to Thurrock?
SM I hope in the next 3-4 years but for that to happen we must pray to the Lord of the harvest to raise up a “champion” (or champions) willing to invite it.

TT What legacy do you hope GSUS LIVE will leave in the schools?
SM Each school has been invited to contact Johnson Ministries to apply for a grant for Christian books and other material. (We heard that one Thurrock school had been allocated £1400!)

TT How do you see the future of Christian schools work in Thurrock?
SM As regards senior schools, I hope GSUS LIVE will prove a catalyst for more activity by such as Matt Fawell in Stanford, Colin Baker in Grays and others too. I currently visit 18 Thurrock primaries but only until 2010. My next major project is to ensure that all are covered after that date.

TT What can Christian parents do to support their kids’ schools?
SM 1. Pray. 2. Serve (governor, PTA, volunteer etc.). 3. Encourage others in their churches to do 1 and 2.

TT How did Spurs do against Stoke last weekend?
SM Better than against Udinese last night…

Steve Morley lived in Stanford-le-Hope as a boy and attended Hassenbrook School. He came to faith in 1987 whilst working at Thames Board Mills. Steve has been a keen Tottenham Hotspurs supporter through thick and thin since 1967. He and his wife Dawn have lived in the ‘village’ of West Thurrock for many years. They have four children ranging from 16 to 25. Steve is a Counties Evangelist and leadership team member at West Thurrock Chapel, London Road. From 1996 to 2000 he served on the Thurrock Schools’ Christian Worker Group promoting the need for increased schools’ work and the necessity for prayer groups to be raised up for every school in the borough.