We may not like to think about it, but there are children, right here in our very own borough, who will not be looking forward to opening presents on Christmas Day as their parents quite simply cannot afford to buy them.
This year, the fellowship of St. Mary’s and St. Cedd’s, together with many North Stifford villagers, will be donating gifts to Thurrock Foodbank for distribution throughout the borough and we are once again inviting you to join with us in this Christmas giving.
Here is what you can do to help Simply buy a small gift for a child or a young teenager, please do not wrap the gifts as they will be wrapped by parents or guardians later. It is not necessary to buy expensive gifts and it is probably best to avoid anything that needs a battery. It is also worth remembering that children love sweeties, chocolates and biscuits. |
Our Gift Service will be held on Sunday 8th December.
If you are unable to join us, gifts may be left either at the Rectory or at Ash Tree House in the High Road (GT 376580) up to Tuesday 10th
Christingle Services Tuesday 24th December
St. Mary’s Church 3pm St. Cedd’s Church 4:30pm
This is an opportunity to join in and make our own Christingles. Collections will support the Children’s Society, who fight poverty and neglect and help all children have a better chance in life.