World Day of Prayer 2020, prepared by Zimbabwean women.
On the 6th of March 2020 we will together with people all over the world celebrate The World Day of Prayer. The service is this time prepared by women in Zimbabwe. We are now starting to plan for the services in our locality. In Grays services are planned to take place at St Thomas RC church at 2.00 pm and at the Methodist church, Lodge Lane at 7.30pm.
This is an ecumenical event and we would like to have as many churches and denominations as possible to be involved, not just to come to the services, but also to participate in the committee.Zimbabwean women would be particular welcome to assist us with the service this year.
If you are interested to help or just to find out more, please contact Inger Collier, secretary tel. 01375 379143, e-mail or Sue Mead, chair person tel. 01375 390125