trainingRepresentatives from community groups across Thurrock have been given free training in writing and filming press releases.

The two workshops took place at Thurrock Adult Community College in Grays on Thursday 18 July and Friday 19 July 2013. In all, nineteen delegates attended the training – including a number from the Christian Faith Community – which was organised by ngage in partnership with Thurrock Celebrates.

Sharing their experience were Neil Speight from the Thurrock Enquirer; Andy Lever, who is Senior Media Officer at Thurrock Council; and Michael Casey of YourThurrock.

Andy Blakey of Thurrock Celebrates said, “We hope by learning these skills more good news stories from around the borough will be published in the media, because Thurrock is good news. The tutors were so supportive and completely sold on Thurrock being a great place to be.”

We would like to thank Neil, Andy and Michael for passing on their wisdom.

The picture shows Michael Casey talking about making short films for YouTube.