The small town of Purfleet-on-Thames sits on the northern edge of the river, next to the Dartford Crossing and at the western edge of the borough of Thurrock. There has not been a Baptist witness in the town since ‘Purfleet Baptist Church’ closed its doors more than 15 years ago.

But that is all about to change! The Love Purfleet steering group have just appointed Erica Bowler to begin work as a missional listener from September 2021. Erica has been pioneering with Arbury Road Baptist Church in Cambridge for a number of years, and is about to graduate from Spurgeons College as a Newly Accredited Minister.
Supported by a Home Mission grant from the Eastern Baptist Association Erica’s role will be to discern what God is already doing in the town, and how best we might join Him and ‘Love Purfleet’.
Thank God that Erica has felt called to move to Purfleet and fulfil the role of missional listener. Do pray for her and herfamily as she prepares to relocate from Cambridge and become part of the Purfleet community. .
If you would like to keep up to date with prayer requests, please visit
Thankful as we are for the Home Mission grant, we still need additional funds to meet the annual budgeted costs of supporting our new missional listener. We are looking for churches and individuals to pledge to give financially. A one-off gift would be much appreciated, but regular donations would be wonderful. Please send your pledges to