High Street March 1Tim Harrold

Saturday 19 March 2016 was a grey, cold day. A bitter, biting wind blew up Grays High Street, nipping at toes and fingers.

Shoppers shopped. Market stalls and local businesses hummed with busyness.

People of every nation came and went.

A small team of believers gather by a small white gazebo. They are from a variety of local fellowships. They are black and white, male and female, young and old, They say hello to the people that pass. They invite people to pick a picture card from a table top of picture cards. If and when they do, members of the team listen to what God is saying to that person through the picture card they have chosen. And then they pray for them.

They’re Firestarters.

High Street March 2Starting the fires of God in people’s hearts. Striking matches, blowing on embers, fanning gifts into flames.

When they pray for the ‘punters’, God always speaks. The people always go away blessed. They’ve had an encounter with the living God – with Papa, who loves them completely and utterly. They’ve met Christians who aren’t preaching the gospel in the conventional or expected sense.

No, they’ve met Christians who are demonstrating the gospel. It’s unconventional. It’s unexpected.

A couple who want a ‘spiritual reading’ come over. They’re amazed to find that it’s free of charge. We tell them it’s all about Jesus. And he speaks to them through the pictures they pick and the prayers that are prayed.

High Street March 3A pastor who lives locally, but leads a fellowship in London, stops by. He’s challenged by the unconventional and unexpected methodology and wants to know more.

Another pastor come over – we know him. He, too, chooses a card and receives a word of encouragement from the Lord.

A young man who has links with another faith and who was formely a pagan stops for prayer. This develops into a full conversation and he is connected with the truth of the gospel of Jesus. The truth is setting him free.

While some of the team talk with people, others pray in the background.

High Street March 4Two of the team go off on a ‘treasure hunt’ armed with clues given to them by the Holy Spirit. They find the person who is the ‘treasure’, and speak into that persons life the words that they’ve been given to say. They go a way blessed and delighted. The team members return with a glowing report of what God has done.

The next time the Firestarters are going into Grays High Street is on Saturday 16 April, 10am to 1pm-ish. Come and join us. Especially if you did the Firestarter training last year. We believe God wants this team to expand in number and activity. God could be raising you up to:

  • do spiritual readings using the picture cards
  • go treasure hunting with the clues God gives you
  • give people free hugs
  • heal people on the street
  • be a support by praying for the team as they do any of these things

You’ll bless. You’ll be a blessing. You’ll be blessed.

Of course, you can do this anywhere in Thurrock!

If you’re interested, please just turn up, or contact Tim Harrold on 07929 878089 or tim@transformationthurrock.co.uk