Welcome to this week’s issue of the Wire. We are still suffering from very low food stock so I would be very grateful if you could publicise our shortages as widely as possible.
Shortages – Tinned Fruit, Pasta Sauce,Tined Carrots,Tea Bags (80’s please), Tinned Veg Soup, Longlife Fruit Juice, Biscuits and Cereal.
Tesco Lakeside Collection – Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd November 9am – 5pm. I’ve put together some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions about store collections to answer any queries you might have:-
How long are the shifts?
Shifts are two hours long so 9am – 11am, 11am – 1pm, 1pm – 3pm, 3pm – 5pm
What does it entail?
You will be chatting to customers, giving out our shopping lists and receiving the food
Will there be a team leader there that can answer any queries from customers?
Yes there will be a team leader present if no one on your team is a regular Foodbank volunteer
Is there any lifting involved?
There is no lifting involved as food will be packed into crates and van crew will lift
How many are needed in each team?
Around 6 people is the ideal team size
How do I register to volunteer for the collection?
Just email Helen at the warehouse on warehouse@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk with the days and times you are able to help.
Concert by CDOT Voices Friday 8th November 8pm at Socketts Heath Baptist Church. Tickets priced £7,50 are available from me now.
Harvest – If you’re planning to donate your harvest to us please let me know so I can mark it in our diary. This is especially important if you are unable to bring it over to the warehouse and need the van to collect.