From Rev Michelle Reynolds at St Clement’s, West Thurrock.
Our Father in heaven
May your name become increasingly hallowed and holy on the Bus.
And may your kingdom come on the Bar N Bus, and in the lives
of the young people we meet, and may we see it
and know your kingdom is close at hand.
May your will be done on the earth (especially where we park up),
on the Bus, in our lives and in theirs, just as your will is done in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread – the food of your Word and Spirit,
to strengthen us to keep going.
Provide for these young ones the food that fuels them for abundant life,
and help them to reject all that does not satisfy.
Give these young ones the love and the security they lack and bring them to salvation.
Forgive us our sins – when we lack trust, patience and compassion or go out in our own strength
or with hardened hearts.
And forgive them Lord when they throw back at us the works of darkness under the influence
of the evil one – save them!
Enable us to forgive those who sin against us – again and again. “How many times Lord?” Peter asked you –
seven – no, seventy times seven!
Because they do Lord – help us to forgive as you forgive.
Lead us not into the temptation to walk away from them,
or to sin in our frustration as we go out – your workers in this rich harvest field.
But deliver us from evil when we go marching under your banner
into satan’s territory to call and to claim back for you
your precious children.
Because Lord, the KINGDOM, the POWER and the GLORY are YOURS.
So we call on your name
and we call you to come in your power on the Bus.
May we see your kingdom right here.
May we know your power at work changing lives.
And may you receive glory as we praise you for your works
and as the young people in darkness come into your glorious light!
Because it’s not just for them now Father, but
for ever and ever and for their eternal life.
A number of people from St Clement’s go to make up the team that goes out every Wednesday night to the car park behind Cowdry Hall, on the corner of London Road and Credo Way. People from West Thurrock Chapel are also members of the team.
Michelle was inspired to write the above prayer – but emphasised that it actually has to be prayed!
She told Transformation Thurrock, “The more pray-ers the better especially as the West Thurrock team are growing weary and discouraged and we need more members!” The team met on the evening of Wednesday 13 April to talk and pray about the situation.
Thurrock’s Bar’N’Bus project also requires more bus drivers. |