from @PeteGreig
6 reasons why a prayer room helps people encounter God: accountability / pilgrimage / space / creativity / community / sanctuary…#1 Accountability: A prayer room helps us live up to our aspirations in prayer because we have to show up at a fixed place & time…#2. Pilgrimage: the journey to a prayer room is in itself an act of devotion #3. Space: the Spirit fills places as well as people. After hours of cumulative prayer, it’s often easier to pray in a prayer room #4. Creativity: a prayer room provides interactive space for non-verbal prayer engaging all the senses. #5. Community: in a prayer room you pray as part of a community joining a global prayer meeting.* #6. Sanctuary: a prayer room provides space to be focused and still in a busy world, and to be noisy without upsetting the neighbours!
* which, in the case of 24-7 Prayer, has continued nonstop for 15 years. Pete Greig (right) is a founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement, of which the Stanford and Corringham Boiler Rooms are local expressions. See, and |