Thursday the 3rd of January saw leaders joining together to pray for Thurrock. They met in one of the older churches of Thurrock that has links with St Cedd who built a church in the area in 654AD.
Drawing on the information gather from the latest Faith Audit and the sources available on the internet Information sheets were produced for the then 82 known churches in Thurrock. The day consisted of times of corporate prayer, discussion and individual prayer as the gather leaders read and considered the information available. A large map of Thurrock 2.5m long with all the Christian places of worship marked was a centre piece for the discussions. The leaders of the churches had been ask to send in points for pray concerning Thurrock and their churches. The day was structure so that people could come and go as their day dictated.
The overarching theme that developed during the day was Unity in Diversity
Those that attended shares thoughts and passages from the bible.
These included passages from John 13:3435 and John 15v12 and how we should love one another so that the world would see and come to know God.
Which moved on to thoughts about being light in the world and one person who had felt prompted to bring a torch with them steeped on to the map and shone the torch at their feet and spoke about being light in the world and not just think of churches but each individual.
This was picked pick by another who read from Phil 2v12-16 and highlighted the phrase “shine like stars in the universe” and we went on to agree that there was far more we agree on then the small amount that we don’t.
Which was then illustrated by another sharing how he may disagreeing with his wife and his And his wife disagreeing with him BUT the love each other to bits.
As the discussion went on we turned to John 17 where Jesus praying for his those who would believe (John 17v20-23}.
Later in the day we returned to the of torch theme, with a demonstration of how the torch could be focused and the thought that we need to focus on the important because when the torch is focused it shines brighter,
The final passage from the bible shared was Jeremiah 30:19 as an encouragement that Thurrock Leaders Prayer was moving in the right directions
Suggestions that surfaced during the day for next actions were Transformation Thurrock might arrange a series of seminars for the churches of Thurrock. Topic suggested were:-
·Strategic Thinking
- What is happening in Thurrock
- Where does the church need to be a voice
- What do we need to be saying
·Social Media
- Practicalities of social media
- Top tips and pointers
- Strategically using social media
- Social media pitfalls
- Social media policies