Information sent in by Niyi Olujobi.

The Shiloh Conference is taking place in Grays over the week of Monday 24 to Sunday 30 November 2014.

Over the culminating weekend, internationally known speaker and missionary Rolland Baker will be ministering. Rolland is married to Heidi and together they run Iris Ministries. Together they are part of Revival Alliance, which includes Bill Johnson (Bethel, Redding CA), Randy Clark (Global Awakening), Georgian & Winnie Banov (Global Celebration), Che Anh (HRock Church), and John & Carol Arnott (Spread the Fire Ministry).

For those seeking a deeper dimension in God, supernatural equipping for Kingdom life, and further evidence that heaven is indeed invading earth, Rolland’s appearance is a significant moment for Grays and Thurrock. Expect the unexpected!

For more information about Rolland, see and

In 2013, Thurrock’s Tracey Moyes went on mission in Mozambique with Rolland & Heidi. You can read about her experiences here:

See below for details of events taking place throughout the week in what was once a notorious night club. Now it’s a church venue!