Over 40 people attended this second training event which was delivered by a lady from Housing Justice a charity that supports most of the Night Shelters in England.

The training was full of illustrations from her experience over 10 years working in night shelters. She brought sound advice and common sense answers to all of the queries asked.
The volunteer handbook and the volunteer application will be available via the council website.
The night shelter will be provided at a different venue each day of the week so as to spread the load, currently, there are 4 venues. People can volunteer at any venue and there are three shifts. People can even volunteer to help from home by either cooking meals or washing the bed linen. If someone wishes to donate money this can be done via Transformation Thurrock.
Ben, the council’s rough sleeper project officers made us aware of a web site that will allow people to report if they see a homeless person. The report will be followed up by someone from the team. The website is www.streetlink.org.uk It is hoped to run the third session of training and awareness raising soon. Also, it was shared that it might be possible to get a free level 2 course in Mental Health Awareness via this weblink https://freecoursesinengland.co.uk/awareness-of-mental-health-problems