From Pastor Niyi Church of His Presence

Shiloh Ministry is an initiative of Church of His Presence. This ministry is for the gathering of believers of all languages, nationalities and streams in Christianity in one place for the worship, praise, ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord spoke to our Senior Pastor – Niyi Olujobi – through Exodus 25:8, that it is His desire and will to dwell in the midst of His people. We do this by building God a sanctuary through our abandonment in praise, worship, His word and His ministry. When we host His Presence, God comes with His world and then, heaven kisses the earth and the supernatural becomes natural (and common).

In this season, we anticipate the move of God in our lives, church and nation. We call on all believers in Jesus Christ – all over the United Kingdom and beyond – to join us for an extraordinary time of worship and ministry. This is not just for ourselves but as an intercession, if you will, for our people and nation.

This year Shiloh is themed “The Great God Jehovah!”. We are filled with expectation of what God will do, and we invite you to join us for the same.

Come and have an encounter of a lifetime.