This playlist maps just some of the countries that this song written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes has reached
Vera Harold has curated some of the comments generated by the song
Someone sent this to me while I was walking and I ended up stumbling down the street in sobs, raising my arms in worship – THIS is the church!!!!!
A wonderful example of how churches should be, not us and them but all united in Christ.
It’s 1:50 am here in California. At this moment I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and surrender myself to him. This changed my life
I just renewed and rededicated my life to Jesus.
I played this song during my son’s bedtime and I started singing it to him. My son is AUTISTIC andNon-Verbal and he started saying AMEN and sang AMEN.
You know I might only be 13 years old but this song makes me humble myself and praise the Lord amen hallelujah!!!
I have decided to surrender my life and soul to Lord Jesus Christ now
I had been praying to receive the Holy Spirit for almost a week now! I listened to this song and l couldn’t get it out of my head! Around 1am l listened before l went to bed and was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues! The song is so powerful and l just became undone!
“Aslan is on the move!” God is moving through our nation!
Absolutely AMAZING! Felt the POWER there! Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord .