Newforms are emerging
Last weekend, Tim & Vera Harrold went to the Newforms Gathering in Shropshire. Vera built an installation called ‘The Womb Room’ (right) and together they led a creative breakout session.
The theme of the gathering was Murmuration – like when starlings fly together in huge flocks at dusk, making amazing shapes in the sky. But other themes emerged, not least the tectonic shifts occuring in geopolitics on a global scale. No one can escape the effects of these huge paradigm moves taking place in the earth.
The Christian, however, has a firm foundation upon which to stand.
For more, read this blog by Newforms’ founder, Peter Farmer:
Biblical Orthodoxy is attractive
According to The Guardian, a literal interpretation of the Bible leads to increased church attendance. The stats speak for themselves. Read more here:
Revival is happening: Southampton
Following on from recent moves of God in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, and Reading, it’s been reported by Billy Kennedy of Pioneer that in Southampton 550 people have come to faith in 12 days. Billy’s report:
These Three Things…
- What is Holy Spirit saying to you through these three things?
- How firm is your foundation?
- What is Holy Spirit saying to the Church of Thurrock?
- Is the church growing… or shrinking?
- What can we do to see these three things come about in Thurrock?
- Does anything need to change?
- Are we ready for a move of God in Thurrock?
- What are we going to do?
“Be transformed by the renewing of you mind…” Romans 12:2