A number of church leaders from Thurrock attended two conferences held at Eastgate in Ebbsfleet. Called From Glory To Glory, the conferences were held back to back on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 July, and then Friday 25 and Saturday 26 July 2014.
Main guest speaker was Bill Johnson, from Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bill is author of a number of books, including The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind.
Also speaking was one of NKCC’s leaders, Pete Carter. Some of Thurrock’s delegates have been attending NKCC’s School of Supernatural Ministry over the past year, and in September will begin their second year, while others will be starting their first year.
The worship was led by an excellent band, all of which took turns to lead the singing. The presence of the Holy Spirit was very evident. There were numerous testimonies by people reporting their healing of various ailments.
Bill Johnson’s style is such that just about everything he says is a soundbite. Please find below notes taken by Tim Harrold at the conference which include direct quotes; quotes given by Bill (in quotation marks); the gist of what was said; and salient points made by Bill. The talks did not have titles as such, but the themes are discernable as the notes are read through.
Always profound, often challenging and, to some, very controversial, Bill is undoubtedly and clearly a significant apostolic and prophetic voice at this time.
Friday 25.7.14
Session 1
- Hunger is prophetic – we shall be filled!
- A transformed mind transforms a person – a transformed person transforms a city.
- Jesus fulfilled the assignment to reveal the Father to a planet of orphans.
- Our assignment: “As the Father sent me, I send you” – to reveal the Father.
- Revelation is always the invitation to encounter.
- Jesus is the only one to demand and expect the fruit of the impossible.
- Father is better than we think – so change our thinking!
- It is impossible to exaggerate God’s goodness.
- The cornerstone of all theology is the goodness of God.
- God is not the CEO of an orphanage – he doesn’t just give needs, but also wants.
- Believe in your own conversion!
- My desires are because of him – they are the offspring of a relationship.
- All ministry causes two worlds to collide.
- Freedom comes wherever Jesus has his way.
- “Religion is boring and cruel.”
- Children never dream of being insignificant.
- Jesus wants the nature of a perfect Father revealed to the world.
- Live in the full satisfaction of the experience – we can never have too much!
- Father delights in seeing his children receive the gifts that fit their personalities – the joy is in their discovery.
- “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; it is the glory of kings to reveal a matter” (Prov. 25) – God hides things not from us, but for us.
- We have access to the hidden things of God, and our royalty is never more evident than when we search for things because we know we have legal access.
- The invitation is to join on a journey where dreams are fulfilled.
- God is now revealing himself through the fulfilment of dreams.
Session 2
God disciplines us so his blessings won’t kill us.
- His nature is revealed through our fulfilment just as our children reflect our countenance.
- We are a people supposed to have influence on the outcome of things.
- The prayers of God’s people change the basis upon which decisions are made.
- “Whatever you ask for…” (John 14:13): We owe it to him to have answers – when we don’t press in to breakthrough we withhold blessing from God.
- God the Father is glorified through answers to prayer.
- “That your joy maybe made full…” (John 16:23): It’s not about servant-mindedness but friendship; it’s not about being performance oriented but receiving through connection (gist).
- Whenever Jesus spoke, he released a new reality.
Session 3
- Faith explores what revelation reveals.
- Many are happy to look at their inheritance without exploring it.
- There must be a shift in our thinking: the Spirit was released from an open heaven into you.
- We assume we live under closed heavens in our cities, but we don’t, (because) we are designed to pray from the perfect solution into the affliction.
- A renewed mind lives with a awareness of an open heaven.
- “When I believe a lie, I empower the liar.”
- God sometimes wants to do something through us but not for us.
- Mark 4 – The Calming of the Storm: Jesus released peace – his internal reality effected his external reality.
- You can defeat any storm you can sleep through.
- We are positioned to still storms.
- We have an inner reality to be released – an internal victory is released that redefines the reality of the world we want to live in.
- You will release around you the world you’re most aware of.
Saturday 26.7.14
Session 4
- God always looks to make community.
- No one has ever become Christlike through punishment.
- Our impact on community is God’s heart.
- Find out why you’re alive.
- The Lord trusts the church to influence the city when we discover Kingdom culture (gist).
- Kingdom culture is a greenhouse… plants grow easier in the right environment (when the) value system has shifted to a divine perspective (so the Kingdom culture in the church translates into Kingdom culture the city).
- It’s a crime in church history to keep prayer in the house – it gets stronger when it’s taken outside.
- “You are the salt of the earth” – not about preservative, but actually adding flavour to a city.
- Problems vanish at the implementation of Kingdom values, not at conversion.
- Salt without flavour is foolish – salt with flavour is wisdom.
- Wisdom gives you the key to reign in life.
- Step into your reason for being.
- Once you get rid of the Designer, you get rid of the design (= aimlessness and futurelessness).
- Wisdom is a cord of three strands: creativity, excellence and integrity.
- “Rule with heart of a servant and serve with the heart of a king.”
- Be generous, but don’t give what you’re not supposed to give.
Session 5
- We’ve replaced the error of prosperity teaching with the error of a poverty mentality (gist).
- Jesus is always looking for increase.
- Never apologise for the favour of The Lord.
- Don’t sabotage your own promotion.
- False humility won’t get you to your destination, but true humility will.
Session 6
- Romans 12:2: The renewed mind proves, recognises and models the will of God.
- There is an open heaven over every believer.
- Fight from the victory already won.
- A renewed mind thinks like Jesus.
- The disciples belonged before they believed.
- Sometimes Jesus says, “I was hoping you wouldn’t ask me – I was hoping you’d represent me.”
- My internal victories affect my external victories.
- The Kingdom is within you.
For more info about North Kent Community Church, see http://www.nkcc.org.uk.
For more info about Bethel Church, Redding CA, see http://bethelredding.com and http://www.ibethel.org and http://www.bethel.tv/home.
Attending on Wednesday and Thursday were:
- Valerie Clapham (Destiny Chapel)*
- Jimi Fawehinmi (New Covenant Church, Grays)
- Frank Gaisie (Destiny Chapel)*
- Tracey Moyes (Boiler Room, Corringham)
(* there may have been one or two others from Destiny Chapel)
Attending on Friday and Saturday were:
- Andy & Jan Blakey (SAS Mission Shaped Community, Grays)
- Richard & Jane Earll (Community Church Chafford Hundred)
- Tim & Vera Harrold (Transformation Thurrock)
- + Pete & Mary Howe (right – Felixstowe Community Church, formerly of TCF)