from Amanda Perry, Support & Development Worker at Thurrock Faith Matters

A message from the TFM newsletter by Rev Darren Barlow

Welcome to the first edition!

I am very pleased to be able to update you on how things are proceeding with the Thurrock inter-faith forum… Thurrock Faith Matters.
As I hope many of you are aware, during the late spring and early summer we advertised for a part-time paid Support & Development Worker. Funding for this 2 year post has been made available from Thurrock Council and we are very grateful for the Council’s ongoing support. Interviews took place in mid June and I am delighted to be able to let you know that Amanda Perry has been appointed to this role.
Amanda previously worked for Family Mosaic and Gordon Ramsey Holdings.

Amanda will be working on a Tuesday and a Wednesday and will be based within the support structures of Thurrock CVS at the Beehive Centre in Grays.

Amanda has already made a very good start by pulling together the various contact lists and databases to form a new one that will be maintained by Thurrock Faith Matters.

Amanda’s next task will be to organize and admin this year’s Thurrock Faith Leaders Conference which will take place on Monday 19 November at the Springhouse Centre in Corringham. As part of Amanda’s induction, I know that she would be very happy to receive information from faith groups in Thurrock, her contact details are:

Amanda’s appointment will provide the capacity to allow Thurrock Faith Matters to move forward to the next steps which we will be discussing at this year’s conference, I very much look forward to seeing you there.

Darren Barlow
Interim Chair

Thurrock Faith Database
Thurrock Faith Matters are trying to set up a database of all faith groups that are currently running within the Borough. We will be collecting information on where and when the groups meet, how many people are meeting on a regular basis and who is best to contact within the group. The information will be kept solely by Thurrock Faith Matters and not passed on to any statuary organisations. It will be used to collate data on how faith within the Borough is changing and for use within the forum to pass on information and to build stronger relations between faith communities. To get involved please contact Amanda Perry, Support and Development Officer.

Interfaith Week Leaders Conference
This years Interfaith Week runs nationally from 18-27 November 2012. As part of this, Thurrock Faith Matters will be holding a Faith Leaders Conference at the Springhouse Club, Corringham on Monday, 19th November 2012. The theme of this years
conference is ‘Faith in the Future’ and speakers will be outline how faith will develop within the area in the future and how young people can be further involved within this. The conference runs from 9.30am to 1.30pm with lunch and refreshments provided for all attendees. If you would like to attend or more information please contact Amanda Perry at
Places are limited so book quickly!

Working Document CONSTITUTION

Name – The inter faith forum will be known as “Thurrock Faith Matters”.

Mission – To serve God and the people of Thurrock by building unity and influence out of diversity.

Thurrock Faith Matters seeks?…
i.    to promote knowledge, understanding and mutual respect between the followers of different religions within Thurrock;
ii.    to promote friendship, trust and mutual understanding between persons of different faiths and to explore shared values and the significance of faith for living;
iii.    to work together to overcome ignorance, fear and misunderstand- ing between faiths;
iv.    to enable the local authority and other statutory bodies to discuss matters of mutual concern and interest with the faith communities;
v.    to promote the importance of faith being represented in public structures and engaging in civic society and to provide a means for faith communities to speak and act together on social and commu- nity issues and generally for the public benefit;
vi.    to offer an opportunity for dialogue with all people and groups in the borough of Thurrock who are interested in matters of faith whether or not they have a codified framework of belief.

Thurrock Faith Matters
c/o Thurrock CVS The Beehive Resource Centre West Street, Grays RM17 6XP
Phone: 01375 389895

Bringing Faith together in Thurrock

To download the newsletter in PDF form, please click on the link to the left of this page.