Report of some of the things said and prayed at the TLP on 3.3.16 at Community Church Chadwell 

Thurrock map 21Digging ditches

Brought by Frank Gaisie (Destiny Chapel, South Ocekndon)
2 Kings 3:16-18 The Message
He then said, “God’s word: Dig ditches all over this valley. Here’s what will happen—you won’t hear the wind, you won’t see the rain, but this valley is going to fill up with water and your army and your animals will drink their fill. This is easy for God to do…”

We repeated anumber of times the phrase “This is easy for God to do” as a declaration over Thurrock.

Tim Harrold (Transformation Thurrock) shared:

Seven years ago, at the former Prayer House at The Old Tennis Court in Grays, the Thurrock Healing Rooms’ Barbara Brown (who has since died) told me, “You are a ditch digger”.
Seven years later we are thanking God for our increased unity, through various projects and events.
There are now many ditch diggers, and the more we dig ditches and the more ditches we dig, the unity grows.
And as the unity grows, God’s blessing on the local community and in the land becomes more evident
(For God’s principle of unity, see Psalm 133; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 41:17-20; John 13:34-35; John 17:20-23 and elsewhere)
So we can declare Thurrock is the place where:
  • Wells spring up!

  • Aquifers burst open!

  • Freshwater flows freely!

Colin Baker (Grays Baptist Church) suggested an acrostic based on the letters of THURROCK. We didn’t come up with a sentence, but a list of God’s promises to declare over the borough. These are:

Thurrock map 1T Transforming
H Holy
U Unique
R Rock
R Royal
O One
C Chosen
K Kingdom


  • T = Transforming
    • being changed
    • making changes
  • H = Holy
    • clean, cleansed and cleansing
    • pure, purified and purifying
  • U = Unique
    • confident of and in its identity
    • confident of its place
    • confident of its (positive) influence
  • R = Rock
    • built on rock and not sand (or marsh or fen)
  • R = RoyalTLP logo
    • belonging to the King
    • ‘son’ of the King
  • O = One
    • unity in diversity
    • united in Christ
  • C = Chosen
    • place of heavenly destiny
      • of purpose
      • of potential
      • of possibility
  • K = Kingdom
    • heaven invading earth
      • through culture
      • in atmosphere

We’ll be working on this further!

THURROCK PENTECOST 20167pm Saturday 14 May
TCF All Saints (t.b.c.)