The TLP (formerly Grays Leaders Prayer) began in 2002 as a response to the need for those in local church leadership to meet once a week to pray together in unity.
By doing this, the whole church body is connected, built up, and brought together in ever-increasing union in Jesus Christ. The unity among leaders is translated to a greater unity among all believers worshipping in all congregations.
The TLP does not have a membership but is a consensual communion, convening relationally and without compulsion. It is attended by ministers, pastors, vicars, deans, bishops, elders, youth leaders, prayer leaders, and other representatives.
The central value that ‘no one but everyone’ owns the TLP is demonstrated through moving the gathering from place to place, week by week, meeting in churches, halls, rectories, vicarages, manses and homes around the borough, and is led (or not led) as each host feels appropriate.
Once a month the TLP is followed by breakfast. Once a quarter the TLP holds a Refresh Day. At the beginning of each year the TLP holds a Retreat Day.