RoadRob Groves and Tim Harrold of Transformation Thurrock are planning to go ‘on tour’ around the borough’s churches.

The intention is to take the vision of Transformation Thurrock to the very people who should be owning it – the Church of Thurrock. Armed with a PowerPoint Presentation, a display, church media packs and a live demo of the website, Rob and Tim aim to explain how Transformation Thurrock can be an effective conduit for working more effectively together through advertising church programmes, prayer events, missional projects and local conferences – an essential resource in easy reach to anyone in the Body of Christ with internet access.

Of course, the Transformation Thurrock website itself can act as an outreach to others inquiring about the Christian faith or searching for a particular church or ministry – or any local agency that expresses transformative aims.

Transformation Thurrock gets its name from those videos that were around few years ago called Transformations which documented communities around the world that experienced profound societal change through united prayer. Transformation Thurrock a prophetic name – a statement of belief and intent that says, “We declare in the transformative power of the name of Jesus to change our borough – from being a place where filthy water collects to the place where God’s fresh water flows”.

Debra Green’s visit to Thurrock last weekend reminded us that this is not only possible but a direct consequence of humble prayer offered by God’s people (2 Chronicles 7:14). Her home city of Manchester has seen a significant decrease in crime rates – as a result of sustained united prayer and persevering in joint mission. Just read the vision statement of Debra’s national – and now international – ministry, Redeeming Our Communities, on

If you want to see crime rates fall, teenage pregnancies fall, drug dependency fall, alcohol-related illness fall, truancy rates fall and education succeed, young people reached with the gospel, domestic violence obliterated, poverty tackled with justice and fairness, the council act in righteousness, immigrant issues resolved positvely, emergency services know they are supported, then Jesus is the answer – and we are the answer, all of us ‘who are called by My name’, ‘dwelling together in unity’. It’s promised that our collective, corporate obedience to these things will result in blessing and healing for the land God has given us. This is the heart of Transformation Thurrock.

As someone once said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”.

If you want to book Rob and Tim to come to your church or group to talk about the work of Transformation Thurrock, then please contact them on