Last Sunday, 8 June, the 2014 Transformation Thurrock Tour returned to the the United Reformed Church in Bradleigh Avenue, Grays, for the second part of the presentation that has now taken place in many fellowships of all persuasions across the borough.

Being Pentecost Sunday, there was an emphasis of this concurrent theme throughout, as the Day of Pentecost has immense implications for the church: 3000 were added that day! Imagine baptising that lot?!! And because Christians celebrate Pentecost every day by virtue of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, then that should overspill into our discipleship and our seeking of the people of peace whom God is preparing in our communities.

We should be expecting our missional endeavours to result in rapid multiplication!

Please find below ten of the slides from the presentation done at the URC, which was adapted (once again) to fit in with their service structure and schedule. Slides followed which had on them prayers of blessing (taken from the Keep On Praying And Bless book) for Grays Thurrock so everyone could join in.

Right at the bottom you can see pictures of the after-session in the church hall where we received feedback from the prayer and discussion groups in the service, and the resulting sheet of gathered words, pictures, actions and the prophetic.

See previous posts, look under ‘News’ – or click on the links to the left of your screen – for specific aspects of these talks (each one has been subtly different!) and see below for how to book if you’d still like to have the TT Tour visit your fellowship.

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TTT URC sheet

The TT Tour’s next stop is at the RCCG House of the Lord, South Ockendon, which meets at Belhus Park Golf Club, on Sunday 15 June.

Where has the TT Tour gone and where is it going?

The 2014 TT Tour:

  • 16 February – Fresh Hope Community (St Margarets’ Fresh Expression), Stanford le Hope – DONE!
  • 2 March – Grays Methodist Church – DONE!
  • 16 March – St Cedd’s, Stifford Clays  DONE!
  • 23 March – St Mary’s, North Stifford – DONE!
  • 30 March – Seabrooke-All Saints Mission Shaped Community (Thurrock Christian Fellowship), All Saints Centre, Grays – DONE!
  • 6 April – Grays Baptist Church – DONE!
  • 13 April – New Covenant Church, Grays – DONE!
  • 4 May – St Margaret’s, Stanford le Hope – DONE!
  • 18 May – St Mary the Virgin, Little Thurrock – DONE!
  • 18 May – Stanford le Hope Salvation Army – East Thurrock United Service – DONE!
  • 25 May – Grays United Reformed Church (part 1) – DONE!
  • 8 June – Grays United Reformed Church (part 2) – DONE!
  • 15 June – RCCG House of the Lord, South Ockendon
  • 22 June – Socketts Heath Baptist Church
  • 29 June – Destiny Chapel, South Ockendon
  • 13 July – Tilbury Pride Mission Shaped Community (Thurrock Christian Fellowship)
  • 9/10 August – RCCG House of Praise, Grays – details tbc

All dates in between these (apart from Easter Sunday, 20 April) and after up to and including 20 July are currently available.

The content is suitable for any fellowship Sunday service or prayer meeting no matter what your style or where you’re ‘at’.

If you’d like to book Tim and the TT Tour, please call 07929 878 089 or email him on

The presentation – which is adaptable – is made up of three sections and lasts about 45 minutes. It follows this simple structure:

  • Logo for printInformation – Powerpoint presentation
    • where we’ve been
    • where we’re at
    • where we’re going
  • Interaction – small groups
    • what is God saying?
    • what are you going to do about it?
    • who are you going to tell?
  • Intercession – for Thurrock and the UK
    • proclamations of blessing
    • prayers of protection