In Acts chapter 10, Peter went to a rooftop to pray… on the rooftop he received a fresh vision of God’s heart for lost people ‘beyond the walls’. Peter’s encounter on The Rooftop led to a global disciple making movement.

On Saturday 30th May 2020, across Essex, Christians are being asked to gather on rooftops, hilltops and other high places, ask Jesus to help them to see their community as He sees it and then JOIN JESUS IN HIS MISSION and make disciples beyond the walls of the church. With its legacy of global communication, the Rooftop ESSEX ENCOUNTER will be launched live from Chelmsford, at Life Church, which is a stone’s throw from the site of Marconi’s original 1899 factory – the birthplace of radio

The Rooftop ESSEX ENCOUNTER is also a prelude to The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER, 10th October 2020, which will also be launched from Chelmsford.

Here is a link to a short video by the founder of The Rooftop, Rev. Dennis Pethers, introducing the ESSEX ENCOUNTER:

For more information go to The Rooftop Website:

If you would like to run a linked event you will need to sign up to become a Coordinator, but if first you need more information, you can access materials about the role and what is involved, here:­encounter-2020-materials/ or email: