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from The World Prayer Centre team, Birmingham, UK

In March 2016, the World Prayer Centre hosted the WATCHING 2016 national prayer conference at The Hayes conference centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire.  Over 240 people gathered for powerful time of seeking God, prayer, being equipped and released with fresh vision and prayer strategy.

Malcolm DuncanRev Malcolm Duncan (right) of Goldhill Baptist church was our guest speaker for the third year.  It was a time of envisioning, watching and hearing what the Lord is saying in these times.  We also hosted four workshops as part of the conference, which were to equip people in prayer, evangelism and the prophetic.

Malcolm Duncan brought a significant prophetic word to the Church in these Islands at our conference.  It builds on important words spoken by Smith Wigglesworth (1947) and Jean Darnell (1967) of God’s call on Great Britain. We feel that it is right to release this Word to the wider Church.

We encourage you to study this word and pray about, asking God for wisdom, direction and guidance. When doing so, we strongly suggest that you ask the question: “Lord, how are You calling me to respond to this…? Show me Your heart for my neighbourhood, town, workplace or community.”

Listen to Malcolm’s message here:

The transcript can be found below. Please do share it with others as you feel led. We are being called to get ready, coming before God in repentance, dependence and authenticity.

Join us in praying, “Come Holy Spirit, in power, grace, and holiness – I open myself to you. Use me, prepare your church and change this nation. Amen”

The World Prayer Centre team


WATCHING 2016 National Prayer Conference – March 2016


During the last session of the conference, Malcolm felt that God had given him a prophetic word for the Church. He explained that he understood the gift of prophecy in today’s Church to be qualitatively different from Old Testament prophecy and that the gift of prophecy today should be offered in humility, with a recognition that the word must align with scripture and that it may be wrong, with an encouragement to the recipient/s to test the word against the Word of God.

Malcolm made reference to the fact that the conference had begun with a man in the congregation making reference to the fact that he (the man in the congregation) had come to faith in 1947. This had sparked a recollection in Malcolm of Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy in 1947 and Jean Darnell’s prophecy in 1967.

In the Wigglesworth word, there was a prophetic pointing to distinct moves of the Holy Spirit in which the Word and Spirit were brought together, a new move of the Spirit took place in traditional churches, a new movement of churches were birthed and then a movement of Word and Spirit mission into the continent of Europe was birthed. Jean Darnell’s prophecy spoke of a move of God across the UK sweeping into Europe in which small churches were set ablaze.

Malcolm sensed that God had spoken to him through these two prophetic words in the last few days of the conference. He pointed out that 2017 marked 70 years since the Wigglesworth prophecy and 50 years since the Darnell prophecy. He had a sense that this was significant and that just as Daniel was awakened to the promise of God to Israel concerning an end to their 70 year captivity, so God was awakening Malcolm to God’s desire to move in power in the UK church in 2017. In addition, 2017 marked 50 years after the Darnell prophecy, the period of the jubilee in Israelite tradition.

Bearing these things in mind, Malcolm believed that God was prompting him to prophecy a fresh love of the Holy Spirit in the UK church in 2017 and outlined his understanding of that as follows:

  1. I think 2017 is a significant year, and I believe we are going to see a move of God in the United Kingdom in 2017 and I believe God is asking us to get ready. He is asking us to raise our faith and expectation, to raise our commitment to prayer, to raise our eyes off what we are seeing around us, to take our eyes off the feeling and the falling and the decaying and to lift our eyes to Him; and I think that that move of God is going to have six significant elements to it.
  2. The first is that He will expose the hearts of those in our churches who currently have been churched but not converted, Christians but not converted.
  3. He will strengthen the hearts of those who love Christ, and I think strategically in that are people like Justin Welby and Pope Francis. I think that God is using these men and that there are some remarkable leaders in the Anglican Church, some remarkable leaders in the established churches, who are discovering new confidence, new passion, new energy for the Gospel and I think the hearts of those who love Christ will be strengthened in 2017 in a particular way.
  4. I think God is going to revive and strengthen small local churches, that He is going to give new confidence and hope and purpose and meaning to what you and I would describe as ordinary church. That it is not going to the big central churches with thousands in them that will herald what God wants to do, but it will be a birthing of new hope and energy and expectation and passion in small local congregations. I don’t think it will end in 2017, it will start in 2017.
  5. I think that God is going to give us a fresh confidence in the Gospel. I think that God is going to give us a fresh openness to the Holy Spirit, as we delve into His Word.
  6. God is going to give the broader Church a deeper yearning for prayer for the nation and the lost.
  7. Lastly God is to birth a passion for the gospel to spread from the United Kingdom across the continent of Europe.

However He does it, I think there are three keys, the three steps in what I sense God is saying are very simple – these are to:

  • Come before Him in repentance.

  • Come before Him in dependence.

  • Come before Him in authenticity.

Pulse logoI don’t think it is going to be a signs and wonders movement. I don’t think it is going to be all bells and all whistles. I think this is going to be the birthing of people living authentic lives in God. Lives that will be attractional to others and I think that God wants to birth something here that will spread across Europe and I think that you are privileged, not to listen to me, but I think you are privileged to be in this room, and I think you need to take that seriously and decide if you will sow in faith and prophetically call a movement of the Holy Spirit into life that He is waiting for us to respond to.

The prophetic words of Smith Wigglesworth and Jean Darnell can be read here:

Taken from The Pulse by the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK