by John Espin, who spoke this picture at Thurrock Watchmen on Friday 10 November at Aveley Christian Centre

While I was praising God the other day, I saw an angel that towered above Thurrock.

It was swinging an incense burner over Thurrock in an radius.

Then I saw a porthole, or portal, facing toward London from the Tilbury-Gravesend crossing, up the River Thames towards London.

Around the outside of the portal, everything was out of focus. But everything inside the portal was in beautiful focus.

There were angels assigned to each town in the borough – Grays Aveley, Stanford-le-Hope, Corringham, Orsett, and more.

All these angels were pushing the bad stuff out of the land and into the river, just like the Gaberdine swine.

At the end of the evening, Tim Harrold quickly went through a number of other ‘angel sightings’ in the region:

  • Alan Cass at Eastgate Church in Northfleet says there’s a huge angel standing astride the Thames and facing London, with one foot in Gravesham and the other in Thurrock
  • David Vincent of the London Prayer Room has had a vision of an angel roaming the UK carrying a spear – each time it touches a city or region, it ignites flames: the last place the angel went to was Thurrock, which David jnew because he heard audibly the name ‘Thurrock’ being spoken as the spear touched the borough and fire started
  • Paul Dilly has seen a row of angels along the sea wall at Rainham Marshes / Aveley Bay
  • In November 2013, Jane Almond of the Thames Gateway Prayernet saw angels on the hill overlooking Linford and Mucking, and a large one was ‘awoken’ through prayer (that whole area next to Buckingham Hill Road is now being changed)
  • Vera Harrold saw an angel at Aveley Christian Centre during the Thurrock Watchmen meeting

Thurrock is on God’s map!