Join us for the much-anticipated webinar ‘Black and Blue’, which will enable you to hear from present and former serving black police officers about their views on the Black Lives Matter movement, institutional racism, ‘stop and search’ and related law and order issues.
This webinar will discuss issues such as the decisions behind initially joining the police service; whether this decision impacted relationships with family and friends, and how they have been viewed by their white colleagues. Contributions from:
- Dr Leroy Logan MBE, former superintendent in the Metropolitan police and a former chair of the Black Police Association. Leroy is also the author of Closing Ranks: My Life as a Cop.
- Janet Hills, a Detective Sergeant in the Metropolitan Police Service. Janet is the first Female Chair of the Metropolitan Black Police Association and was also the National Black Police Association President from 2015-2017.
- Bevan Powell MBE, the former chair of the Black Police Association and current Methodist Secretary for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Wednesday 2 December 2020, 7.30-9pm