… because of these stories from My Hope UK…
Stories of deliverance
This lady was very heavily into the occult practices for many years, and her Mother was also a white witch! She had numerous occult images and paraphernalia on her walls around the house. She has even self harmed in the past through this. She has shut herself away from life and has not been able to deal with either her emotions or her debts.
She was referred to us through the local Support worker at the children’s centre her children attend.
She is a single mother and her children have been scared to go round the house because of the darkness hanging over the house, through what has been going on there.
She attended a hamper event and after watching the Hope DVD and the Centre manager giving her testimony, which almost mirrored her story, she accepted Jesus into her life!!!!
Our client got into debt after he was diagnosed with MSA (terminal illness) which means he is unable to work at all. His wife has erosion of the spine, arthritis and depression. The debt had a big effect on them and they were emotional on all three visits.
On one of my visits I asked them if they wanted to watch the Billy Graham DVD which they did. At the end of the DVD I asked what they thought. He said that he knew that everything that had been said on the DVD was true. I asked him if anything was stopping him becoming a Christian and he said no. I then asked him if he wanted to ask God into his life. He said that he already prayed the prayer on the DVD. I then prayed for him and his son to become Christians.
At Hosting Hope Curry Night my client said he had prayed the prayer of salvation at the end of the DVD His “ex”-partner came with him to the evening and she also made a first-time commitment, saying she “wanted to sort her life out for her children’s sake”.
He grew up in London and quickly become involved in drug and alcohol abuse a teenager. This eventually led to a prison sentence. Since being release from prison He has had a volatile relationship with the mother of his two children. Continued addictive behaviour has led to the taking out of much credit to feed his addictions.
This Client was lost under the pressure of debt. She had moved home every 6 months trying to escape her debts. She is a single mum & her son had stopped attending school. she was desperate.
We held a Christmas Party and I was showing the Billy Graham DVD The Cross and she responded. She had been to close before but she now took the final step. Not only is she now debt free, but having God in her life is amazing thanks to CAP. Her son is back a college and life has turned around.
We invited clients to our showing of Billy Graham ‘The Cross’ DVD at church. She responded to salvation appeal at the end along with the 2 friends that she brought!!!!
Her background of drugs and alcohol had her daughter removed due to repeated suicide attempts.
She now lives in a hostel and is getting clean and trying to get life sorted and contact with daughter.
Our Client suffers from Bipolar and got out a huge loan which she spent within an hour.
This spiraled out of control and the couple are now looking into BR.
They live with their son who has autism and the debt has been another burden to their already burdensome life.
Every visit we attend with this couple is so upbeat and they are always very appreciative of the help and the hope for the future that we give them.
I invited her and she attended the pamper event on Friday and eagerly listened to the Billy Graham message.
She prayed the prayer and could not wait to tell the group about it once the DVD had finished!.
The Cross film providing food for the soul at a Blackpool soup kitchen
Joint churches’ mission, Helping Hands in Blackpool, recently experienced God at work at their drop-in soup kitchen and is still seeing the fruits of the day they showed The Cross film, from My Hope UK with Billy Graham.
Outreach Coordinator, Yvonne Blazey and her team at the drop-in soup kitchen have a heart for the least in their community. They supply a three course meal to those on low income and the homeless on Wednesday, Saturdays and Fridays. “Our aim is to preach the love of God in word and actions, and help people to move on. Many do find Jesus and move onto local churches families,” shares Yvonne.
The Cross film was shown at one of their Wednesday afternoon sessions to approximately 30 men that day, mostly non-believers.
Yvonne shared that one man committed his life to the Lord Jesus that afternoon. Another visitor asked for a Bible and many since started to ask questions. “Four of our clients have also renewed their baptismal vows, so God was at work and is still watering the seeds which have been planted. I hope this encourages others, as it certainly did for us.”
…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me. Matt 25:40
When the DVD doesn’t work, but someone has been praying
Crag Road Methodist Church in Shipley decided that they would like to use the film but didn’t possess a screen, projector or DVD/laptop to play the DVD. So they borrowed from different churches the equipment needed to show “The Cross”.
Due to an event on the Saturday all the equipment had to packed away and put back out on the Sunday ready for the showing. With about 28 in the church ready and eager to see the film, it wouldn’t work. Not a DVD issue but a technical glitch with the laptop.
In such a challenging situation, one of the Stewards, Jenny stood up and gave her testimony about the impact Christ had had on her life, different Billy Graham events over the years and how the message had remained unchanged. This prompted others to share their testimonies about God’s faithfulness.
At the end of the service, candles were placed in to the shape of a cross and an invitation given for those who wanted to rededicate their lives or affirm their faith to come forward and light a candle.
All of the congregation came forward. David tells me that to get anyone out of their seats in the chapel and respond is a big thing – he was amazed that everyone responded.
Taxi Driver
God even uses travel moments before people watch The Cross.
Reuben Morley, My Hope with Billy Graham area coordinator for Liverpool, Manchester and the North West, was attending a function at Northfield Church, Bootle, Liverpool, to briefly share the gospel after the guests finished watching The Cross film.
The taxi driver picked up Reuben and as he shared with the taxi driver where he was going and why, the taxi driver became overwhelmed and explained how he knew Reuben would be ‘one of those Christians’.
The taxi driver continued, explaining how a friend used to be depressed and tried to take his own life. Another friend had prayed for the man and he’d invited Jesus into his heart. From that moment on his friend’s life had radically changed. He couldn’t deny that his friend’s life had been flipped upside down for the better after becoming a Christian.
He also shared with Reuben that he had only came out of prison a few months earlier, having been behind bars for six years for drug dealing. “During the ride I was able to share with him how Jesus had a hope and future for his life and encouraged him that surrendering to Jesus would be the best decision he could ever make,” explains Reuben.
“I then had a word of knowledge that he used to play football semi-professionally. It was his main passion but in his teenage years he had had a serious injury in his left knee. I asked him if this was the case and he said, yes. He explained that the knee condition was hereditary and that it has caused him problems ever since. He asked me how I knew and I simply told him that Jesus loved him, knew him and cared about even the things that may seem insignificant,” continues Reuben.
As they pulled up, Reuben was able to pray for him and for his knee. They exchanged numbers and the taxi driver told Reuben he would call the friend who’d become a Christian, grab a coffee with him, share everything that had happened and go along to church on Sunday.
From Crofts End Church, Bristol
Bristol church experience what God can do in a week with The Cross, Billy Graham’s message of hope to the UK
Crofts End Church is a non-denominational community church based in St George, Bristol. They held a week-long My Hope UK outreach last November in George’s Coffee House, their community café facility, screening The Cross every evening. Outreach Coordinator, Lynn Davis and Pastor Andrew Yelland are excited by all God has done and how the week sparked a vision for beyond their city borders.
Lynn explained: “The Cross outreach was the first opportunity our church had to undertake a week-long evangelistic initiative. The film was an invaluable resource and was ideally suited to our café style format.”
The outreach was blessed with a total of 264 visitors during the week. “We praise God for the 13 first time decisions for Jesus Christ as well as those who were interested to know more. During the week we saw people from many walks of life come through the doors to watch Billy Graham’s message, believers and non-believers. Each evening we felt the tangible presence of God ministering into the lives of those who watched the film,” shares Lynn enthusiastically.
The format of the evening was a relaxed, café style environment with live music provided by a local Christian artist, Fran Hope. Afterwards The Cross was screened, followed by a short message and a call for those who felt God calling them to come forward.
In advance of this outreach the church congregation were encouraged to become part of a prayer triplet and everyone prayed for three individuals to invite. In addition, printed flyers were distributed in the community, a radio advert was broadcast, a video invitation clip posted and Facebook campaign launched.
Everyone who responded was given the opportunity to submit their mobile phone number to receive a text scripture each day for a month as an encouragement. They were also invited to four follow-up sessions, called ‘What It’s All About?’ The format was similar in style to the mission week and they enjoyed using My Hope’s Living in Christ discipleship material.
Crofts End church now has a new five year vision with ‘outreach’ as a key focus. This extends beyond Bristol now – organising a youth camp in Bosnia Herzegovina this summer, where they plan to share the gospel with The Cross.
To order your copy of The Cross and register your church with My Hope UK…
- contact My Hope UK Essex & Kent area rep Tim Harrold on tim.harrold@bgea.org.uk
- or go to the official My Hope UK website http://www.myhopewithbillygraham.org.uk