Thurrock CVS are offering free bid writing training see details below
to book click here

18th October 2023
1:00pm – 4:00pm
The Beehive, West Street, Grays, RM17 6XP

This half day session delivered by Gemma Cartwright who has many years of experience in enabling place-based voluntary sector groups, small and informal to large and international, will enable participants to;

  • Design and get together the information needed prior to making an application
  • Review key words and trends in fundraising currently
  • Consider how to find the right funder for you 
  • Breakdown and simplify how to get a great bid together

The session will be relaxed and informal, very interactive and offer opportunities to ask questions and work with peers in an environment where there are no silly questions.

These skills will be vital for your organisation to develop great bids that stand out from the crowd when seeking funds for your activities