Debt Coaches Needed!

 How to Apply
As the service stands at present, with David Acreman (our CAP Centre Manager and only Debt Coach) working two days per week, we can only accept referrals from three new Debt Help clients per month.  Since our service is heavily used, there is now a three-month waiting list for our help.  The appointment of an additional Debt Coach, and the funding of additional days for David, would do a great deal to expand the service, involve more churches and help more families across Thurrock.

The role involves approximately two days per week and includes:

  • Visiting Debt Help clients, to explain CAP’s service, to gather information and documents and, later, to explain the advice from the Casework Team
  • Liaising with the Head Office Casework Team in respect of each client’s debt situation and needs
  • Evangelism: offering to share the message of Jesus, offering to pray with clients
  • Communicating with your clients’ befrienders and with the local CAP Centre

It is normal for the Debt Coach’s church to partner with us financially in the ministry, because the additional clients seen by the new Debt Coach also carry a significant additional cost to the Debt Centre.

Contact David on  to express your interest in taking this further.  We will arrange an informal meeting involving you, your church leader, David and perhaps David’s Line Manager.  David will refer you to CAP Head Office, who will then send out an application form and arrange for a formal interview.  The successful applicant will undergo Debt Coach training at CAP’s headquarters in Bradford.

For the full Thurrock CAP fact sheet click here

Thurrock Cap, 18/03/2019