from Paul Cave at the Lighthouse Seafarers’ Mission
We would like to say a big thank you to all those who have so generously contributed to this year’s Christmas Appeal for the seafarers parcels. We have been greatly encouraged by the interest shown and the support that we have received. Our loyal band of volunteer helpers will be packing the parcels next Monday and Tuesday (26/27 November) at West Thurrock Chapel. Any additional help would be most welcome. Distribution of the parcels will begin next month up until Christmas. Please pray for these gifts as they are received, together with the gospel literature.
Another date to note is our annual Carol Service for Seafarers and our supporters. This will also be held at West Thurrock Chapel, Thursday 20 December at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
My ship visiting programme continues on a daily basis with many and varied contacts with seafarers from the four corners of the earth. Recently I met a Christian Zulu from South Africa. It was great to be able to share fellowship together.
Together with Sheila we have spoken at a number of local churches recently. Sheila has been able to share about her role in the ministry, which people have found very interesting.
At one of these meetings we met a Christian Gypsy from the Light & Life Gypsy Church Movement. This movement was started following a revival among Gypsies in France in the early 1950s. The revival quickly spread throughout Europe and to all countries where Gypsies are found. During our time in France we were involved in working with the Gypsy Church, particularly helping them at their conventions. This particular gypsy told us that he had also attended some of these conventions, which are held twice a year and regularly attended by 30,000+ gypsies all with their caravans!
We thank God that we can share his love freely with all, whether they live in caravans or travel the oceans of the world in the ships that we see sailing up and down this great river of ours.
Thanking you for your continuing support and prayer.
Paul & Sheila Cave