from Samuel Olumoyegun, Serving Overseer at Dayspring Chapel

Dear Servants of God,

It gives me such a great pleasure to humbly extend this special invitation to you. I am trusting God that you will join my wife and I and the entire congregation of Dayspring Chapel in marking our 9th anniversary as a local church.

Though we clocked up our 9th anniversary on Thursday 13 May 2016, we decided to mark the occasion with a 3 DAYS POWER-PACKED CRUSADE, with our guest speaker, Prophet Peter Akinnubi.

Prophet Akinnubi is the overseer of King’s Celebration Centre Int’l Inc., with Headquarters in Ogun State, Nigeria. He is a prophet and teacher of God’s Word by calling and has authored 18 books already setting people free across the globe.

Prophet Akinnubi is also a speaker at conferences and conventions, with great accurate prophetic declarations and insights to set the captives free. He is a husband of one wife, a crop consultant and scientist, and blessed with a child too.

From my short experience of Prophet Akinnubi’s ministry and what those who have encountered him have told me, his global mandate from God is to help strengthen and encourage the body of Christ. I have no doubt in my mind that that God will use him to bless you outrageously. You will be glad you came.

This primary purpose of this 3 days crusade is the effort of the church to make room for God in Christ to show forth His resurrection power and that people may know that God is still an actor in the world and in our personal lives.

Our prayer and hope is that Christ’s Name will be exalted above every sickness, disease, lack, pain, or any long-standing issues that people may be facing, and which had hitherto defied human solution.

We as a local congregation believe God to save souls, deliver people, revelation and power gifts to be clearly demonstrated and for believers in Christ to be edified and encouraged.

I do hope and pray that you are able to make any of these dates, Friday 24-Sunday 26 June 2016.

Please, do RSVP me as soon as possible, with your decision, one way or another, for administrative purposes.

Kind Regards.

Samuel Olumoyegun

Serving Overseer, Dayspring Chapel, Grays

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