At a recent Thurrock Leaders Prayer those attending had the opportunity to listen to a couple of outreach workers who support the homeless in the borough. They were asking if there was anything we (the Church) might be able to do in response to this particular need.

Those of us who were present agreed that the first thing we could do was invite representatives of the churches to a meeting to see if we could put together a team to work on this.

I offered to host the evening and it was suggested we invite Esther McCafferty (Rector of St Martin of Tours) to come and share a little of what the churches are doing in Basildon. Esther is able to come and we have agreed the following date and time.

Friday 23rd March, 7pm, at Socketts Heath Baptist Church.

Please can you pass this invitation on to members of your churches (via your news sheet, website, public announcements etc.), as anyone would be welcome, but also can you either come yourself or send someone as a representative of your church. It would be great to have a wide cross-section of people from across the Church in Thurrock.

I really do hope you can come.

God bless
